Friday, February 26, 2016

What area will we choose next? Fresh Air in a Jar from Colorado USA for International Shipping

We plan to hike at the end of this week for our next collection. We estimate it will be about 10 miles from the last location. We will collect fresh air in 9 jars right next to this exact tree near the top of a canyon. Please let us know if you want them. We are happy to supply you with our limited quantity. 


Sunday, February 21, 2016

9 Jars of Fresh Colorado Air available now - Air in a Jar

This area is at 7,100+ ft above sea level. There is no air pollution or light pollution at this location. This is on the Western Slope of Colorado U.S.A. far away from cities and stop lights.

Only 9 jars from this day at this time are available. We picked two locations for these 9 jars. The above picture is location #1 the jars spent some time there before being closed up for their journey to the second location. The second location is at a higher altitude (about 50ft) and also offered a better view. The jars are tightened on the spot never to be reopened until you open it yourself.

Please email to purchase direct. You can also request we capture air for you in a certain forest or on a certain mountain. We will climb the mountain for you and get you the air you desire.

Colorado Fresh Air In A Jar

In some areas of the world clean air is not available. In a perfect world clean air and clean water would be available everywhere. We hope by offering clean air those who want access to it can now get some. The location that we choose is at over 6,000ft above sea level in one of the most remote places in the U.S.A. No freeways, no airports, no highways are nearby. There is no street signal lights for over one hundred miles! We have rolling sage brush fields, pinion, and juniper trees all around us. We hope you enjoy the air we offer and if you have suggestions on where you want us to collect air from please let us know.

If you are interested in receiving some high altitude Colorado fresh Air In A Jar please email

Thank you,